I was powerless against their typographic wiles
Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 9:03AM
Heather Walpole in daily photo, graphic design, home

helvetica canisters

I logged on to Etsy just to see what was going on and I found the DoNotDestroy shop packed with vintage fun. These canisters popped up on the second page and before I had a conscious thought the four were in my shopping cart and I was entering my Paypal password. What's more fun than Helvetica canisters? Nothing! Nothing at all. I've had the accompanying "Salad" bowl for a few years now and hadn't realized I should have been hunting for this canister set. Don't tell Thomas, but the shop owner said she'll see if she can find the matching "Spaghetti" jar. HEYOOH!!

Article originally appeared on Heather Ink {Design + Life} (http://www.heatherink.com/).
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