Ewe Ewe Yarns, my new bff
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 1:36PM
Heather Walpole in WWHD, knitting

TNNA trade show booth

I started a yarn company! I have trouble believing I can say that but I can say it because I've done it. I have a product with a label and a website and even better, I have orders for that product! I picked the colors and developed the yarn. I have a stock of sheet knitting patterns and also some free knitting patterns. There's tons of ideas swirling around in this brain of mine and I can't wait to get it all out there and on paper or pixels.

Ewe Ewe Yarns is my new venture/adventure and I'm excited about it like nothing else I've done before. So, please take a minute and check out my new fun over at www.eweewe.com.

Article originally appeared on Heather Ink {Design + Life} (http://www.heatherink.com/).
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