The items you can find in my refrigerator are generally interesting looking things like the gravy from that roast chicken we had three weeks ago. You remember honey, don't you? Every few days I'll be rummaging through looking for that jar of salsa I thought I remembered having some where back here, and come across a piece of pizza from who knows when. Usually I will throw the greenish discovery away, but sometimes I don't and it continues to grow new sorts of cancer curing fungi.
I inherited this trait from my father's mother. My dad always said Helen discovered penicillin LONG before the rest of the world. I remember making Grandma a cup of tea when I was a teenager, but never having one myself because I was never sure of the state of the milk lurking behind that sealed yellow door.
Fast forward to my life today with a refrigerator that I am mostly responsible for, and you will probably find penicillin. (The milk is hardly ever bad thankfully.) Being good little homeowners we ate all the eggs and drank all the milk before we embarked on our two week holiday trip. We did not, however, worry about ANY thing else inside the fridge. About two days before returning we were anxiously discussing the things that might greet us upon our arrival home. Things like a mud covered couch and lots of dust and dog hair were not far from our minds, then like a bolt of lightening the fridge crossed our minds simultaneously and we stared at each other in the utmost fear. We both knew what I was capable of and we weren't excited to rush home to it.
Reluctantly the day we arrived, we opened the refrigerator hoping nothing would crawl out and climb up our legs. I put on the rubber gloves, Thomas grabbed the trash can and we went in head first. Dumping the contents of Tupperware containers, washing the shelves, we selected only first rate items to return to the inside.
In the deep dark corner, low down, behind six other sauces, salsas and leftovers, we discovered a can of lump claw crab meat, a lovely, yet odd, yarn store parting gift that a loyal customer gave me to enjoy. Surely it couldn't still be good, could it? I closed the store in April. We found the BEST IF USED BY date and what do you know? It said Feb. 2008! WHOH! WOW! YAY!
In celebration we made this amazing, perfectly risen, Crab Soufflé.