Bloggy hiatus

I seem to have taken an unintentional vacation from blogging and all things internet related. I've still be toting my camera around with me so at least the last few days have not gone by undocumented!
All the baking I did was so much fun. Here is the chocolate mousse, apple pie and pumpkin pie. The chocolate mousse was the best I've ever made!
My apple pie experiment went perfectly. I hadn't made an apple pie before Thursday, and I was very pleased with the result!
We had a great time at my cousin's home for Thanksgiving dinner, although we had a little accident in the driveway!
Then on Friday we just did projects around the house. I washed the dogs and took pictures in the yard.
Pink carpet:
Cactus blossom:
Angel's trumpet tree (that I nearly killed prior to planting, now it's blooming!):
Sassy Lola:
Saturday was completely lazy. I stayed in bed for a while and Lola came to join me. Thomas threw the covers over her and she stayed all cuddled up for a long nap.
All in all it was a much-needed, quiet, restful weekend. The morning will bring a busy week of freelance jobs.