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Entries in dogs (83)


Whirlwind of here and there

Hi! How is it March of 2012 already? When did that happen? The first part of this year has been a fast blur with bits of fun here and there. I went to the desert a couple of times
Booth fun #TNNA
did a trade show for my yarn company,
@julzmozelle playing cards! I can't wait to hand them off in the morning!
designed new business cards for a hair dresser client,
how does she make it through the day?!
and I just generally enjoyed being at home with my puppies!
I'll see you again soon!


Meet Tomo {puppy photography}


Our neighbors rescued a new puppy and welcomed him into their home a few weeks ago. He had been a stray and the story goes that he was found by some children just before a coyote caught him. And that's a likely scenario here in California! This little guy got lucky that day and got even luckier the day our neighbors brought him home from the humane society. They named him Tomo, Japanese for "little friend."

LT & Tomo

He has all the perfect, curious puppy tendencies. Investigating everything from his big sister, LT the pit bull, to the geraniums in the flower pot next to him.


Tomo is so cute and so soft and so lovable.

Enjoying a pet Tomo

This little guy hit pay dirt the day he came to this block. I think he knows it too...

Happy Tomo


Lola, the lazy times

I think this week's photo posts will be of Lola and her incredible ability to be dramatically lazy. She's either on or off; ears alert and perky or body draped around the house. When we first adopted Henry we trained him to stay off the sofa and off the bed, and he did a great job. Then we adopted Lola and she laughed at us. We would repeatedly tell her no, request she get down, and here she lies six years later. But I kinda wouldn't have it any other way.


Bacon Wrapped Chicken

bacon wrapped chicken

So delicious! So easy. And the leftovers... so tantalizing!

yes, that's drool


It might be Valentine's Day


But everyone around here has a really bad case of the Mondays.