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Entries in dogs (83)


A brief review

I've been thinking that I need to spend some time to reflect over the last year to see how I've filled my time. Then I got all whiny that we didn't take a vacation in 2009 and all we did was work, but I sat down and looked through my photos and we actually did some fun stuff this year. Who knew?

1. I had a puppy party, or two, or three.

2. We replaced our very seventies kitchen floor with a new laminate floor and it was so worth it.

old floor, new floor, same dogs.

3. I gained a great sister-in-law.

my newest sister-in-law

4. I turned 30 and got a new camera.

birthday party and new camera

5. My sister came to visit, but I don't have a photo.

6. We planted a cactus garden with some really cool plants.

7. Thomas' nearly-90 year old granny came to visit us from England.

Thomas and his granny

All in all the year wasn't so bad I guess. Looking back on photos and blog posts not only helps me remember the fun things I've done but it gives me a lot to look forward to for the next year. What sort of home improvement projects will we do, what kind of work will I have, who will come visit, will I get off my butt and start the website I want? Maybe next year's December 31st post will answer some of these questions!

What about you? What are you looking forward to doing next year? Here's to a fun 2010!


Merry Christmas

I hope Santa brings you just what you want!



The good with the bad

It's been raining and raining some more here in California which means puppies with damp coats and muddy paws.

rainy dogs

But it also means my garden will be in full bloom by Christmas.

winter flowers

winter flowers


So now what?

Puppy Henry

Are we going to play? Where are we going? Are you going to give me a treat? Should I spin in circles? Aren't I adorable?

-- Puppy Henry, circa 2004


That's a bowl of giblets.

Lola eyeing turkey giblets

And that's a dog that knows she could reach her head right in that bowl of giblets if there weren't those pesky humans standing RIGHT THERE. She and her partner in crime did get the giblets, in their bowls on the floor a few minutes later, and I have never seen them eat so fast.