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Monday morning

Well, here it is again, Monday morning. How does it come around so quickly? It was just Wednesday, wasn't it?

I've packed up Thomas' things. He's off to Los Angeles for a few days, as he is every Monday morning. Hopefully he'll be back by Wednesday again.


In August?

In my bleary-eyed, half awake, half asleep condition this morning I heard something vaguely familiar. I stayed in bed for a while longer weighing my desire for a cup of tea versus my need for more sleep. Then I heard the noise again. Was that thunder?

I pulled myself out of bed and wandered to the window. Off to the west the morning was bright blue with white fluffy clouds, to the south was a wall of black sky. It was thunder! I had heard on the news earlier this week that we might, just might see some remnant rains of Hurricane Dean.


I figured the dark looming clouds would move over us rather quickly and be on their way out to sea. It doesn't rain in Southern California very often, and it would NEVER rain in August! But the thunder got louder and the sky got darker, then it began to drizzle, and it kept drizzling. The drizzling became a steady downpour. Unbelievable!

We all went outside to see it, feel it, watch it. Well the dogs wouldn't feel it. They wouldn't pass the line created by the roof overhang.

I'm not going out there!

I tried to coax them to come play in the rain with me, but no luck. Thomas and I made a mad dash around the yard to pick up things that shouldn't be in the rain. Then we came inside and had a warm bacon and eggs breakfast.

The rain has passed, the yard is almost dry already, but I know this one hour of rain will turn into many hours of conversation around town this week. Because it DOES NOT rain in Southern California in August.


A point of contention

There is nothing that comes close to the unfavorable feelings that are generated by an inanimate object living in our kitchen. We've been together for about nine and one half years, but when you combine your things together with your significant others things everything changes. It's like suddenly all the stuff I love is mixed in with all this other stuff I don't love.

My shoes and fabric soon became intermingled with hard drives and circuit boards. I embraced the extra electronic bits, and he had the idea for a wall with pink paint and hooks to hang and display my purses like art.

Part of my kit came along with hangers, because somebody brought all his clothes without any hangers and showed up expecting me to furnish his closet with all the hangers he would need because duh, I'm a chick and I must be overflowing with hangers, and one very regularly used appliance.


This toaster was a purchase my parents made when I was a small child. It was so exciting when we got it I vividly remember its arrival into our home. It was modern and German and so cool because it had a grilled cheese sandwich maker.

Apparently Thomas does not have the same attachment to said toaster. He can't get the button to stay down, he thinks its ugly, and he SWEARS it will burn the house down when it is put away in the cupboard unplugged.

He also points out the fact that it doesn't say "Made in Germany" but rather "Made in W. Germany." OK, maybe we'll get a new one with the Target gift card wedding present. But I won't like it!


Red Alert

I came across this article in the new National Geographic magazine. It hit a little too close to home.

"This year, news reports buzzed that true redheads will be extinct by 2100, since carriers of the carrot-top gene are less and less likely to pair up in an age of global intermingling (a child usually needs a copy from each parent to get the red result). But while redheads may decline, the potential for red isn't going away. When a mutation created the special gene in northern Europe millennia ago, its effect on hair and skin pigments - causing red to build up instead of brown - was beneficial, upping the body's ability to make vitamin D from sunlight. Today, the gene's carriers are often prone to skin cancer and, oddly some are more sensitive to heat- and cold-related pain."

What are we going to do? I can't believe this! Extinct!


Bath dogs

Bath dogs

The dogs caught an opossum the other night. ugh. yuck. bleck.

They got into a rolling around scuffle and were a total mess! Today they were privy to an ambush bath at 7am.