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Entries in life (22)


Technicolor Carrots!


I just got around to eating the carrots that I unearthed here and oh my are they the most exciting thing. EVER! I mean it! Purple outside, orange inside. Color fun!



I tried carrots in the garden for the first time this year. Multi-colored and cute! Now I'm thinking I need to put some parsnip seeds in for fall!


Somehow 5 years went by...

I really can't believe we've been married for 5 years already. As thomas would say, it feels like 20... ha.


It's been a month

And it really shouldn't have been! I've done a lot of stuff since I last posted and I've done a good job of documenting it with iPhone photos. More about life, design, knitting and food coming soon!


Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and my Mummy! I think my mother and my mother-in-law are my two biggest blog readers, commenters and fans. They both love looking at the photos from my garden and we always end up talking about plants on any given phone call. I've learned a lot about gardening from both of them and I know my garden wouldn't be half of what it is without their passed on knowledge. So cheers to the two mothers in my life, I love you both! 

And here's some photos of the garden just today for you to enjoy!

- Instagram photos of my own flowers and garden. Follow me on Instagram @eweeweyarns.