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Entries in photos (79)


Cables and so much more...

Always on the lookout for something interesting, Thomas came across a Flexible Joints Camera Tripod and ordered it for me. He wanted an extra cable for his iPhone and somehow I ended up with this oddly exciting new piece of gadgetry.


It's a pretty nifty little tripod that you can bend in any direction. He thought it would be good for uneven surfaces in the garden or at dog beach.

Thomas orders cables and odds and ends from a website called DealExtreme.com. I always remember the name because their shipping packages are extreme. It ships from Hong Kong and always has something silly on the customs label, like LED FLASHLIGHTS. For a while there he was ordering quite a few items from DealExtreme, and I'd happily go out to get the mail only to be greeted by the mailman saying, "Gee, Tom sure likes flashlights. Does he know he could get this stuff at the grocery store and save us all a lot of trouble?"

I would take the package inside, "Here hon, more flashlights for you." But I never visited the website. It's no wonder I end up with new stuff when he needs something as mundane as a cable. That website is insane!

You can purchase everything from useful items, like cables and tripods, to more unique items like this adorable LED Piggy Flashlight:

LED piggy flashlight

Next time he orders he better get me one of these, an Invisible Ink Pen.

Invisible ink pen

Or you could even pick up one of these very curious, um, Water Pipes.




Today's sunrise was beautiful. It was foggy when I woke up, but then suddenly the sun began to appear.

Sunrise 10.16.07

Not necessarily related to the sunrise, I've started a new sweater for a new little niece.

A sweater for a special someone

Also not related to the sunrise or to knitting, here's some pictures of Henry being lovable. He's like an amazingly adorable, gigantic teddy bear. I could stare at him all day.

Henry being adorable again

Henry being adorable

Henry looking around



A lot of mornings I take photos of the sunrise. Not necessarily at the crack of dawn, but sometime after I get out of bed. We're heading to Los Angeles this morning so we had to get up early. The sky along the horizon was a beautiful mango color fading up to still midnight blue above my head. When I stepped outside I found an even better treat, a tiny sliver of moon just above the horizon with Venus and Saturn watching down on him.

Sunrise 10.09.07

I love the sky. (You can click here to see my other sunrise photos.)


Update: WWHD

Since my last post, I have had a number of inquiries about what camera I own.

It's the Casio EX-Z1050. Small and lightweight, it packs a punch. It has a huge screen and lots of options, and is reasonably priced.



My sister Nancy most definitely has an eye for design. We both love the same sort of clean, white, stylized design but our execution has always been in different media. She has worked in the textile and retail industry for years, I have been on the 2D graphic design side. We know what we like but struggle at the other's specialty. Whenever Nancy would visit my NobleKnits yarn shop in Oceanside she would completely rearrange the store, the displays, merchandise and even furniture. I did an OK job, but she could always make the shop look top notch.

Now the tables are turned. I've been posting so many photographs over the last few months that she is getting envious! She went out and bought a camera like mine, I give her lessons over the phone and now she takes her time and considers the composition of her photos. Her new mantra? What would Heather do?

Nancy was as excited about the MiniCards from Moo.com as I was. She pulled her favorite yarns, took her photos and look at her reward:

NobleKnits MooCards


I wish the whole world lived by WWHD. One day they will.