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Entries in WWHD (77)


New and improved

new site design

I redesigned my website! Wow for me.

I've never been a web designer before today. I decided long ago that a better niche for my graphic design career would be print design, but I really think it's time to expand my horizons and embrace the digital world.

My new site is a clean, simple design much like a lot of my other work but I didn't use Dreamweaver or any other fancy program. I wrote the site by hand! Yes. I typed in all the code that makes that site pop up on computer screens across the world. I finally dipped my pinkie toe into the Olympic-sized swimming pool of the world wide web. But, this new site never would have happened without my wonderful, always available husband who sometimes gets really frustrated and thoroughly burdened by the questions I continue to ask him. So, thank you Thomas! (When do you want to start working on my blog redesign? *wink, wink*)

Go check it out. Let's work together!


My morning


I've always been The Baby


I am the baby of my family and I am still affectionately called Little Baby Heather. Today I turned 30 years old. I'm not really sure how that happened and I'm not really sure if I like it. But here I am. 30. As I told my best friend, Susan, I never really thought I'd turn 30. As a kid I was excited to be a teenager. From a teenager I was excited to jump into my twenties. But I never prepared to enter my thirties. It's a shock to my system and the only thing getting me through is a quip my friend Marian said in conversation, "I can't believe you're only 30, you sure packed a lot in to the first 29 years!" That line makes me think about how I could fill the next 29 years, and that makes me kind of excited. And, I'll still be the youngest person at my party!


They're Californian and they don't like the rain either

This post started out as a whine-fest about how we've been sick for a total of ten days and it's been raining for that many days too. And how tonight was supposed to be our first night out together to have a romantic stroll around Carlsbad but now it's pouring and we probably won't go out but instead sit at home and watch another random movie from our Netflix queue. But then I remembered how most of my family and friends have been living in an arctic air blast for much of the last two months and it made me giggle so I thought I'd stop whining and just let you know the dogs are bored.

Henry on carpet


Studio: Reborn

I am embarrassed to reveal this image but this is what my studio looked like 3 weeks ago. It had become a dumping ground for all miscellaneous home stuff. I regularly referred to it as "The Shit Pit." It sounds like a harsh name but it's really satisfying to say, try it some time.

Studio: before - aka The Shit Pit.

studio: before

Phew. That's over. My mother-in-law came to visit last week and first on the agenda was to clean this room. See that sofa thing with all the boxes piled on top? That pulls out making the guest bed. That means I not only had to clear off the bed but also make space on the floor.

Enter Giant Trashcan. I filled an entire curb-side trashcan with paper waste. Everything from magazines to paper scraps, used wrapping paper to stickers got stuffed into the can. With all that paper cleared away it gave me space to start organizing the yarn, paint and design supplies that previously littered my desk and cubbies. I rearranged nearly everything in the room and systematically put it back in more useful locations grouping similar items.

Studio: after - The Happiest Room in the House



I organized all my design supplies like pencil sharpeners, erasers and x-acto blades in a vintage green bowl that can be easily brought to my desk when I need to use it. I also have an inspiration bookshelf with a series of art and design books.

supplies and books

I had been struggling to get my yarn and knitting supplies organized but I finally have it all arranged with straight needles in a basket, notions all together in one place and a couple of cubbies filled some of my favorite yarns.

yarn cubbies

Lastly, I made a special corner with my easel.

easel corner

It feels really great to have my office simplified. It had been such a disaster I didn't even set foot in the room for days at a time. I really love having everything organized and easy to access it helps me get inspired to do great work.

Have you simplified or organized any overwhelming project recently?