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Is that fog I see?

How is he so adorable?

I think it is! Even though FireStorm 2007 is still in full effect, the air flow is coming off the ocean and for the first day in a week I feel like I might want to go outside! I went to the post office to mail Hadley's birthday gift and the witch hat I made for Susan. Both are very exciting and I hope to get photos of them in action. But what was the real thrill of my day? Yes, taking photos of my adorable dogs was fun, but oh my gosh, I smelled the ocean! The fog was so thick and wonderful I could smell the cool, moist, salty ocean air!

She really isn't as pitiful as she seems!

Reader Comments (1)

Glad to hear that you are doing well. I was worried!!!!!

Can't wait to get the hat. You will most certainly have action photos!

October 26, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSue Price

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