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What? When?

I have no idea how it got to be Thursday. The last week flashed by without stopping to say hello. I had to go back to my iPhoto to see if I had even taken any pictures. I couldn't remember, but what do you know? I did!

I went paddle boating around the Oceanside Harbor with my friends where we ran into this guy having a lazy snooze in the sun.

Lazy guy

And, my sister was in town on her boat the S.S. Classy.


Then we had a fire. Gross.

Juliet Fire

They managed to keep the fire contained on Camp Pendelton and no homes were lost. So all in all I guess it's been a good week but I'm struggling to figure out where it went.

Reader Comments (1)

the week probably slipped by so easily just because you were having major jetlag from your trip to Boston ... all is well now, I hope

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterur m

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