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I brought some cheese home with me because I loved it so much

In preparation for a party on Saturday we headed out early on Friday morning to buy cheese. Thomas' uncle took us to a famous cheese shop in London. Nestled near Covent Garden is a shopping district called Seven Dials. The "seven dials" are sundials that sit on a pillar in the center of a roundabout pointing the way to seven streets that stretch out like spokes from the hub of a wheel. A few steps down Shorts Gardens and we arrived at Neal's Yard Dairy, also known as The Best Place I've Ever Been. Ever.

Neal's Yard Dairy

The wheels of cheese were as big as car tires, maybe bigger. I don't know. I was completely awestruck because I have never been in a shop like Neal's Yard. American cheese shops, when you can find one, are filled with little wedges of lots of different types of cheese. But Neal's Yard Dairy had only a handful of types of cheese and they had them in full force.

Neal's Yard Dairy

Seriously, have you ever seen something so fantastic? Neither had I. That's why at 7:30 in the morning I was leaping around, running circles around the two men, taking photos and lunging for samples of the cheeses Simon was selecting. Let's just say that the guys behind the counter will remember me.

Neal's Yard Dairy

So to calm me down we asked them where we could get a good cup of coffee. Without a moment's hesitation they sent us "through the Yard" to the Monmouth Coffee Company. "Best coffee in all of London," they told us. They were right.

Monmouth Coffee Company

Reader Comments (1)

Now that's SOME CHEESE!

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterur m

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