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There's snow in my heart

There is something so wonderful about a big snowfall. I have fond memories of sitting inside by the radiator and watching the snow inch its way higher with big fluffy flakes. I love the purplish-gray color of the snowy night sky, and the way snow can balance itself on power lines. I also love the calm that comes with a big snowstorm. Nobody goes anywhere. Nobody expects anything. Everybody just wants to sit in the warmth and listen to the quiet.

I don't have those moments in California. "Summer year round," as my friend Phran calls it, has its low points. "This time of year, most gardeners around here are on a break from outdoor chores," Phran says in her Garden Report on Philadelphia's KYW News Radio. A break from gardening to lay inside and watch the snow fall sounds so delightful that I almost, for a second, thought I could live in the cold again. That was until I remembered shoveling.

Reader Comments (4)

Shoveling is the most fun part of a snow storm. The air is clean and quiet and it's so much easier for an asthmatic like me to breathe when outside. I love to go outside and shovel all our walkways and sometimes even shovel the 400' of sidewalk we have, along with the driveway. It's good exercise too.

January 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commentervsr

Come EAST for a visit this winter ... we're to have about 45" of snow throughout the season.

January 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMother

45 inches! Wow. How many have you had already?

January 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

close to 13" thus far but it's not even mid-January

January 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMother

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