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Peaceful happiness

There's something so nice about coming home. It was refreshing see the things we choose to surround ourselves with after being away from it all for over a week. I wasn't expecting a happy, euphoric feeling at 11:30pm after a long day of packing, saying goodbye, snow, shoveling, runway plowing, airplane deicing, and delayed flights, but when I walked in the door of our house and saw the clean, straight lines of my furniture I felt refreshed. I get so wrapped up in the clutter of everyday life that I don't often take the opportunity to step back and look at the bigger picture. Last night the zen of our home hit me like a ton of bricks.

Then Henry took me out at the knees.

Henry, the dog

Reader Comments (1)

So glad you made it home safely. Glad to be away from the snow, I certainly am, even if it is cold, everything is still green here!! P

January 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

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