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Banana Chocolate Blondies with Rum {recipe}


Yes, please! Have you ever made blondies? I've always made brownies and now I might be converting. I had some leftover bananas and wasn't in the mood for regular banana bread so I tried something new. Blondies! Try them now, it's worth it! 

Banana Blondies with Rum and Chocolate Chips

1 c unsalted butter
2 c brown sugar
2 eggs
1.5 c all-purpose flour
1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
2 very ripe bananas, mashed
2 tbsp dark rum* 
1 c chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350°. Grease a 9x13" pan and set aside. Using a double-boiler, add the butter and brown sugar and whisk it together until the butter is melted and sugar is dissolved. Let the mixture cool for couple minutes or until it’s warm to the touch then whisk in the eggs, vanilla, salt, and flour. Stir in the bananas, rum and chocolate chips. Pour the batter into the pan and spread evenly. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool. Cut into squares and serve if you can wait that long!

*Optional ingredient however I'm not sure why you'd ever not want rum!

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