
I am amazed that some things can be so adorable. Henry's moppy hair has the perfect composition around his face, the hair off to the right adding interest. Look at the little cluster of fur stretching up his muzzle to guide you to his black nose pointing at the door handle, it moves the eye through the photograph with ease.
This is the scene every morning because opening the door for the first time in eight hours means opening up a whole new world to the dogs.
They go charging outside to see who, what, where, when and why. Did a raccoon make into the yard? Are there too many sparrows at the birdbath? Is the neighbor awake yet? Are the persimmons ripe enough to eat?
After these pressing security checks, which last all of about five seconds, suddenly I am interesting again. Or they're looking to me for excitement, I'm never sure which idea is going through their brains... actually I never have any idea what they are thinking.
Wandering through the garden we stumbled upon this treasure. A spider busily repairing his web from what looks to be a pretty busy night.
Do you ever wonder how some things can be so amazing? How does this tiny creature construct something so marvelous?
And I can't be bothered to put away my laundry.