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Entries in fun (67)


Quintessentially American

Spruce St.

This is my brother and sister-in-law's home and I think it's adorable. It's on a cute, quiet street in a small Pennsylvania town. The block of homes is perfectly post-war, each one is the same size with subtle differences like dormers or not. They're all set back the same distance from the street with perfectly sized lawns and square bushes.


Birthday love

birthday love

Who's loving this more, Thomas or Lola?


Reindeer games

reindeer dogs

Every year I try and get Henry and Lola to pose for photos in these antlers and I could never figure out why they wouldn't sit still. This year it was three humans and a bucket of treats versus one dog at a time.

After crying with laughter and barely being able to hold the camera still, now I understand why I've never had a successful photo before. Apparently wearing stuffed antlers is, in a dog's mind, akin to sitting on a hot poker and not being allowed to scream.


Cute cannon

This is too adorable to pass up, I love it when it hits the lamp light bulb. I want one!


Loyalty trumps dirty


Why would he wait for us anywhere else but at the base of the ladder? The reroof project has generated a bit more debris than we originally expected, nothing unmanageable but it's pretty dirty. Today we will figure out how to get that cleared up along with repairing any rotten wood. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to lift sheets of plywood up a ladder but, hey we'll figure it out. Right?