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Entries in fun (67)


A conversation starter

dirt bag!

Did you get a Dirt Bag for Christmas? Because I did, and that itself was the first conversation about this sack. Why, for instance did my best friend send me the Dirt Bag? "Because you're the only person that wouldn't get offended if I called them a dirt bag! And it's sooo cool," Susan explained.

She's right. I don't get offended very easily and the bag is quite clever. Its hearty burlap exterior is lined with an impervious blue tarp. I can use it in the garden but I love it so much I've been using it as my grocery tote. Today at Trader Joe's a man went out of his way to tell me a dirt bag joke.

Q: What's the difference between a Hoover and a Harley-Davidson?

A: The location of the dirt bag.


Charming, handsome and hilarious

As a birthday treat I was going to write a long blog post about why I love my husband. Then I thought maybe I'd make a list with one reason I love him for each year he has been alive. But I didn't think he would like either of those ideas because he doesn't like me to say too much about him on my blog. So what I will say is that I think he's the best. He makes me laugh everyday, he is an amazing cook, a provider, and my best friend. He always does what I ask him to do but not without his own flair added in to the equation. Take for example, last night's birthday photo session. First:


He tells me his granddad taught him this rule: When your wife asks you to do something always say no to maintain your manliness, then do what she asked. Second:


So life with this man is always an adventure and I love it. And I'm happy to get to celebrate another year of his life with him. Happy Birthday Thomas.


Friday night science

Here's a fun party trick. How can you extinguish candles without touching them?

Friday night candle fun

Put some vinegar in a jug and add in baking soda. This makes carbon dioxide that can be "poured" over the candles. And, poof! They extinguish.

Friday night candle fun

The CO2 is heavier than air so not only does it stay in the jug but you can then pour it over the candles starving them of the oxygen they need to burn. It's fun, give it a try. Amaze your friends.


Should I get his opinion before I buy the fabric?

This weekend my friend Jane and I scoped out some good garage sales (and then bought over a dozen donuts which were devoured in the blink of an eye). I scored some nicely shaped terracotta pots.

new pottery

A new jar is always useful. I like to keep a few varieties of rice on hand and my basmati just didn't have a perfect home, problem solved.

new jar for rice

I also got this fun sterling silver star necklace.

silver star necklace

But the best part of all is that I came home with this wonderful chair.

new chair

I love the shape and I can't wait to recover it! I'm thinking about something like this...

The blue works in the bedroom, the red works in the living room and the print, well the print works with me! How cute would that 50s shape look with big popping flowers? What do you think?


40˚F, raining and sleeting?

Not here! My dad was not pleased to hear that it was 80˚F and sunny here yesterday. He and my mom were sitting inside wearing long-sleeved shirts watching snow fall at the Penn State game while I wandered around my backyard in sunglasses, flip flops and a tank top. But while we were talking, the fog started to roll in off the ocean. I shot some time lapse video to prove to him it didn't stay perfect all day, it eventually got to 72˚F and foggy.

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