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Ewe Ewe Yarns, my new bff

TNNA trade show booth

I started a yarn company! I have trouble believing I can say that but I can say it because I've done it. I have a product with a label and a website and even better, I have orders for that product! I picked the colors and developed the yarn. I have a stock of sheet knitting patterns and also some free knitting patterns. There's tons of ideas swirling around in this brain of mine and I can't wait to get it all out there and on paper or pixels.

Ewe Ewe Yarns is my new venture/adventure and I'm excited about it like nothing else I've done before. So, please take a minute and check out my new fun over at www.eweewe.com.

Reader Comments (2)

Very cool Heather! Love the colors. Can't wait to feel it. Are there any SoCal shops carrying it?
Seeya, Cia

July 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Thanks, Cia!
I'm excited to get it out into the world. You can see the available yarn shops here: http://www.eweewe.com/shops

July 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

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